Sunday, November 28, 2010

Last Friday Night....

  • Salmon pasta for breakfast
  • Christmas BBT
  • Library
  • Bakery
  • No Frills
  • Vivien's
  • Pasta, pizza, cupcakes 
  • Mulan 
I hate being the killjoy. Then again it's not my fault that my parents are psycho sometimes. I know they're only trying to make sure I'm safe but pleaseeee lower it a little. So.... who wants to move out? I'm totally serious. Maybe for next year?? 

Thursday, November 25, 2010


I've been such a scatter brain lately that I try to blog and I do not know where to start. Well today's my last day of class and I only have one exam on the day before my birthday, so I really can't complain. Fridays have been my stress relievers with the eating, shopping, chilling, and bumming around. Mike, Vivi, and I have been addicted to Jaesel's xbox kinetic ever since she bought it lol. I have some pretty epic videos and audio recordings on my BB. I just need someone to tell me how to put it online... that would be great lol. I really want one. I can say that every Friday for the past couple of months have been epic. For example, everyone should know by now that I should be the last person to ask for directions. I sort of have an idea where but I think it may be something else. Yes it was my idea to go to Marble slab and I know for sure that there is one in heartland and I saw it near blockbuster cuz I saw it the last time me and belle picked up a movie. We did end up finding it. "IT'S THERE IT'S THERE!" Apparently, I am not allowed to play the Amazing Race, ever. -.- Oh and I can't forget about the study dates with Belle and Vivi, which I fail to get anything done anyway. But hey, it was still fun! Work is still a bitch. I was so close from quitting though and actually applied at A&W until Mike convinced me not to... The best thing I can say that has happened though: HARRY EFFING POTTER! I totally cried and this is my favourite movie so far. I really wish they didn't cut it into two different parts. I wouldn't mind sitting for 4 hours. Or at least try and make the second part come out sooner than July 15th! Ughhh! Sorry I have been MIA for blogging, but most of you guys are with me anyway and know what is up with my life. I kinda didn't mind this semester at all and I kinda don't want it to end. My schedule was perfect cuz I always get Fridays off to do whatever.

And guess who's going to NYC for New Year's Eve? Me and vivien!! <3

Friday, November 12, 2010

Evil Queen Tutorial

(We intended for it to be like Michelle Phan. And no he is not gay lol.)
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