Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Why is it that everyone wants to know how? Can we just keep that information between us? Isn't it more romantic when only you and him know how it happened? I think so. So for anyone else who's asking, we are together and there really is nothing else you need to know besides that.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
How many songs have I listed to you now?
You suggested this one so you better get your ass to it!!! >.<
I finally figured out what my New Year's resolution is for this year...
(yeah sorry about the caps... i might not remember them if i didn't put it in caps :P)
ps. who wants to help??? =]
(yeah sorry about the caps... i might not remember them if i didn't put it in caps :P)
ps. who wants to help??? =]
Friday, January 23, 2009
visual culture...
I am seriously falling asleep right now... GAH!
Oh and my prof seriously looks like Brian Stepanek (Arwin from Suite Life of Zack and Cody)... rotfl.
Oh and my prof seriously looks like Brian Stepanek (Arwin from Suite Life of Zack and Cody)... rotfl.

new layout... again
I don't think I'll ever stick to one layout.. EVER. I really do have a short attention span.. holy geez.
Me and my mom recently found out that there is a restaurant similar to Korean Grill. KG is wayyy too far so we're glad we found out about it through dearest Vivien. hehe. So we left after 730 and we got home at about after 10. Yes, that's how long we took to eat there.. It's all you can eat and of course we got our money's worth! I kinda got lazy after though to eat... I want more now -.-
School was okay today. Embarassing moment of the day: "What are the main activities in the bed room?"... Why did the room have to be extremely silent the only time I actually say something? It was not meant for the class to hear hahaha. Also, the "items used/consumed"... it's just right there, I couldnt help it... Oh dear me... After that 10-11 tutorial, Christine and I finally had our WAY OVERDUE 'birthday date'. We went to Square one for our 11-3 break and ate at Moxie's... only to find out that there is a sidewalk sale going on... I am never gonna save money am i? And Christine is not the best person to have in the mall with when you wanna not buy something LOL. So I bought two sunglasses at Aldo $12 each. They accept SPC but only on purchases over 30 bucks.. dude my total with tax was about 27.. why not let it go?! Bitch. :( Also I got a sundress (perfect for summer to wear on top of swimsuit), a brown tshirt with blue guitars all over it, and a REALLY cute grey polo with pink and white on it for 10 BUCKS. At least it was on sale?...
And since we are very smart people, we took pictures on the bus BACK to utm... and not during our lunch... hahaha. We are too cool man with out bubble teas at this time of the year =] Also, I shouldnt have deleted that picture with her mouth open... it wouldve been perfect for blackmailing purposes!! *evil grin*

Note: These are the two sunglasses I got... Most of mine are ugly/broken so I got one. Plus I've been wanting aviator glasses in forever and then the pink was there I HAD to get it too.
PS. I dare YOU to move...
Me and my mom recently found out that there is a restaurant similar to Korean Grill. KG is wayyy too far so we're glad we found out about it through dearest Vivien. hehe. So we left after 730 and we got home at about after 10. Yes, that's how long we took to eat there.. It's all you can eat and of course we got our money's worth! I kinda got lazy after though to eat... I want more now -.-
School was okay today. Embarassing moment of the day: "What are the main activities in the bed room?"... Why did the room have to be extremely silent the only time I actually say something? It was not meant for the class to hear hahaha. Also, the "items used/consumed"... it's just right there, I couldnt help it... Oh dear me... After that 10-11 tutorial, Christine and I finally had our WAY OVERDUE 'birthday date'. We went to Square one for our 11-3 break and ate at Moxie's... only to find out that there is a sidewalk sale going on... I am never gonna save money am i? And Christine is not the best person to have in the mall with when you wanna not buy something LOL. So I bought two sunglasses at Aldo $12 each. They accept SPC but only on purchases over 30 bucks.. dude my total with tax was about 27.. why not let it go?! Bitch. :( Also I got a sundress (perfect for summer to wear on top of swimsuit), a brown tshirt with blue guitars all over it, and a REALLY cute grey polo with pink and white on it for 10 BUCKS. At least it was on sale?...
And since we are very smart people, we took pictures on the bus BACK to utm... and not during our lunch... hahaha. We are too cool man with out bubble teas at this time of the year =] Also, I shouldnt have deleted that picture with her mouth open... it wouldve been perfect for blackmailing purposes!! *evil grin*

Note: These are the two sunglasses I got... Most of mine are ugly/broken so I got one. Plus I've been wanting aviator glasses in forever and then the pink was there I HAD to get it too.
PS. I dare YOU to move...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
holy crap jaimee...
Mirachelle and I went to Square One to kill some time since I have a break from 1-6... She had to leave earlier though because she has a class at 3. OMG I really am a compulsive buyer... I went in to La Senza and bought 10 undies for $20 and my membership is apparently expired and it costs 15 bucks to renew it... friggg :( And I've been wanting to buy a straightener ever since I cut my hair (which was on Friday) and so I did buy one.. for $140. I'm sorry Prez I know you can buy a lot of stuff with that much money but it was PINK! hahaha. I am le horrible.

It came in this really cute box... and I got a free thingi you can put it in/on.

This is the one I have hehe.

It came in this really cute box... and I got a free thingi you can put it in/on.

This is the one I have hehe.
(hopefully you guys got what that says.. if not... too bad.)
PS. Thanks david for ditching me... AGAIN.
PPS. Honestly.. do NOT give kristine rope. SERIOUSLY.
PS. Thanks david for ditching me... AGAIN.
PPS. Honestly.. do NOT give kristine rope. SERIOUSLY.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
JVJ day... part 2

LOL since i I have mondays off this semester, I pretty much have absolutely nothing to do. Thankfully, Vivien and Jaesel came over. So what did we do?.... Eat! hahaha. We baked chocolate cupcakes, and while we were waiting for it to cook, we karaoke-d as usual.

Sunday, January 18, 2009
title here
I can't think of a title okay.. leave me alone!
Anyway... so today I didn't have work because (look at post before this one). And so I actually woke up at 1030... THAT for me is rare and for others, unbelievable. /but heeey it happened okay?! Me and my family went to mass at 1:30... and guess who I see there? "Chief" hahaha. I can't believe she actually goes to church and she didn't like melt or anything... So obvious that she still hates me but I was just kind of laughing. After that, we went grocery shopping and for some reason I felt like getting ingredients for pita and cupcakes.
I get home and "cleaned" my room and decided to bake the cupcakes... only to find that the metal thing to bake cupcakes in is MIA. WHERE IS IT!? It's probably in someone else's house but I just can't remember whose... >.< Think Jaimee think! I'm gonna end up buying a new one yaaaay!
Oh also the rents are getting on my nerves because they kept nagging me about the laundry then they bring up how I've been going out to places (just yesterday at Pho) and not telling them. Wheeee! Of course I answered back because I did do the laundry I just didn't know there was one basket that wasnt folded yet geez.. you could've asked nicely. Arghhh but now I'm in bad terms, I don't know how they're gonna let me go to my friend's party on Saturday... I shall give them 100 bucks each! I still do owe them their Christmas present hahaha. Yaaaay.... (I didn't even get anything from them either, except my debut but geez man I'm not complaining).
Meh I'm done my rant... sorta. :P
Jaimee's face of the day:
Anyway... so today I didn't have work because (look at post before this one). And so I actually woke up at 1030... THAT for me is rare and for others, unbelievable. /but heeey it happened okay?! Me and my family went to mass at 1:30... and guess who I see there? "Chief" hahaha. I can't believe she actually goes to church and she didn't like melt or anything... So obvious that she still hates me but I was just kind of laughing. After that, we went grocery shopping and for some reason I felt like getting ingredients for pita and cupcakes.
I get home and "cleaned" my room and decided to bake the cupcakes... only to find that the metal thing to bake cupcakes in is MIA. WHERE IS IT!? It's probably in someone else's house but I just can't remember whose... >.< Think Jaimee think! I'm gonna end up buying a new one yaaaay!
Oh also the rents are getting on my nerves because they kept nagging me about the laundry then they bring up how I've been going out to places (just yesterday at Pho) and not telling them. Wheeee! Of course I answered back because I did do the laundry I just didn't know there was one basket that wasnt folded yet geez.. you could've asked nicely. Arghhh but now I'm in bad terms, I don't know how they're gonna let me go to my friend's party on Saturday... I shall give them 100 bucks each! I still do owe them their Christmas present hahaha. Yaaaay.... (I didn't even get anything from them either, except my debut but geez man I'm not complaining).
Meh I'm done my rant... sorta. :P
Jaimee's face of the day:

'total wedding show'
So I was kind of talked into working at the Sears booth at this bridal show in the International Centre (which is freaking far if you asked me, and the drive took so much longer because of the freaking snow!!!). And like it was supposed to be me and this guy at work named Satchi, but he twisted his ankle working at the sign shop yesterday so i told him to get it checked out and just not come. So it was just me and this guy named Wayne from the hardware department. And yes the question of "What does the hardware department have to do with a bridal show?"... They freaking had lawnmowers and stuff from Craftsman there... wtf? Completely useless I tell you. So I was told to go there 11-7... but my name on the list was for 1-9 and hell no was I going to go home and come back for that. The friggg.. Then it started to snow a lot so the girl who was in charge of it all (who wasnt so nice really.. since when do you schedule breaks? uhhh NEVER) told us that due to the weather conditions, the show was not expecting so much customers so she sent some people home, and that includes Wayne and I. And were we glad to go at 6 because I was about to shoot myself. All I really did was piss the shit out of people walking by to ask them if they wanted to sign up for a wedding gift registry at Sears... The problem was that I don't know if they've already been asked so I feel bad for nagging them. I'm not like those sales associates that once you say no to me, I won't stop until I make you say yes. Go ahead, I don't care, less work for me! But there was this other girl working that was sooo rude because I actually had a customer but she fully butts in her fatass in the middle of conversation and took over. Like hello?! I just let it go because I don't give a flying fart! And like I was supposed to work tomorrow but the girl in charge told me that they had enough people working so they don't need me. Wayne was the weakest link because he didn't open a single registry (duh! who wants to sign up for a registry from an old man? no offense. he even said this himself!) I actually got about 10 to sign up... oh well. So no work for me tomorrow yaaay. In conclusion, I am NEVER going to do this stupid show ever again! hahahaha.
PS. I don't think I want to get married unless the guy is willing to pay for all the expenses of the wedding, and believe me, my wedding has to be perfect and not so inexpensive... haha. Good luck guys :P
PPS. I think I'm gonna clean my room... LOL
So after work, Eric called me up if I wanted to eat pho with him, tai, and bryan. I said okay because I was kinda hungry... Yeahhh... Yummy pho.
PS. I don't think I want to get married unless the guy is willing to pay for all the expenses of the wedding, and believe me, my wedding has to be perfect and not so inexpensive... haha. Good luck guys :P
PPS. I think I'm gonna clean my room... LOL
So after work, Eric called me up if I wanted to eat pho with him, tai, and bryan. I said okay because I was kinda hungry... Yeahhh... Yummy pho.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
You can't create chemistry. Either you guys have it or not.Anonymous
"Mutual attraction or sympathy" (from
CLEARLY it's not there... No spark, no fireworks. Please stop forcing it. It's kind of getting on my nerves now and kind of freaking me out. Thanks.

Friday, January 16, 2009
le haircut!! =D
...finally right?! But yeah I ended up having the same haircut I had before: layered with side bangs... yaay. Here are pictures: 

PS. I am LE creeped out!

PS. I am LE creeped out!
kind of annoyed...
of everything...
I kinda wanna cry but I can't... like I physically can't.
I dont know what's wrong with me hahahaha...
Don't mind me.. I'm being emo again for no reason... LOL.
I think it's all the emo songs I've downloaded recently... lmfao!
I kinda wanna cry but I can't... like I physically can't.
I dont know what's wrong with me hahahaha...
Don't mind me.. I'm being emo again for no reason... LOL.
I think it's all the emo songs I've downloaded recently... lmfao!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
waterproof eyeliner...

I think i really do have "Drama go here" on my forehead...
I feel so blah... I'm not really sure why...
Lol I think I'm like this once a year and I guess it's that time of the year... yaaaay...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I shouldn't have drank that Iced Capp... Caffeine makes me tired and sleepy... don't ask why because I have no idea.
Class is almost done anyway and I'm meeting up with Nerissa and Julie.. and I bribed Ner with tacos... wow shallow much? =]
PS. Yay this is my 100th post on this blog... lawl.
A not so boring monday...
Well the morning kind of was... until Nerissa decided to come over to pick up WGS book... Freaking user.. only comes to me when she needs me. BITCH! :P But yeah then the twins came to pick me up. We couldnt leave until my mom got home so that was like 8ish... geez. Then we went to Umi Sushi for Cid's birthday. And then we dropped off Jasmine's pho, then drove to the twins' house to just chill. They played President, and good ol' me doesn't know how to play... So i just watched. It was funny to watch because the birthday boy kept losing bahaha.. ("Birthday Gods... smite them!") (Mirachelle: "I'll trade you this very special shiny one... *spits*") Oh and I almost died from dogpiling Kristine... haha. Overall, I had a great time, I hope mr birthday boy did too. ^.^ I got home and my dad's like where were you? I told him at twins' house for Cid's birthday... and he actually DIDNT yell at me. Weirddd....
Monday, January 12, 2009
"i think we lost him..."
HAHA so like Eric dropped by after I was done work at 5:30. And we kinda chilled for a bit at the food court waiting for Mike. Then we decided to go and as a joke me and Mike let Eric go on the escalator.. then we kind of ran to the side... We didnt think he'd actually keep walking but he did. So we thought we'd see him in the terminal... but we didnt! We went back to the mall to check if he was there... and he wasnt! AHAHAHA. We eventually gave up and just went home because our buses were there. I get home and Eric calls me and says thanks for ditching me jerk... Psh he went on the bus without saying bye... DITChER! D: :P
*should i say hi?... nah!* -> GUESS WHO hahaha
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CIDCRIS! <3 lol i think my phone's time is advanced cuz it started vibrating 10 mins before midnight to notify me of cid's bday. But anyway, I am the first one to greet him "officially". NO "greeting you in advance" bahaha I am too cool for everyone! =D
Whee I can actually sleep in til 12 tomorrow because I have no school! Yay me!!!
*should i say hi?... nah!* -> GUESS WHO hahaha
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CIDCRIS! <3 lol i think my phone's time is advanced cuz it started vibrating 10 mins before midnight to notify me of cid's bday. But anyway, I am the first one to greet him "officially". NO "greeting you in advance" bahaha I am too cool for everyone! =D
Whee I can actually sleep in til 12 tomorrow because I have no school! Yay me!!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Broken-hearted girl
So Rheena, you better learn this song... DO IT DO IT DO IT! lmao.
Ps. Dont mind me.. this is what I do everyday. Sing hehe... This is why my parents STILL havent bought the magic mic (or magic sing whatever same shiznit.)...
Everyone's hours have been cut at Sears thanks to "recession." Friggg, like I already only work Fri, Sat, and Sun.. and they still cut some of my hours. So like, how do I pay back OSAP? HAHAHA. I am LE screwed. But yeah so to get more hours, I said yes to going to this bridal show in the International Centre to help out with the Sears booth for gift registries. Yaaay... I know I'm gonna wanna smack all the couples because I am currently bitter about seeing them haha. Lame right? Well whatever! :P So yeah for anyone who wants to come, go here: It's not free so like i doubt I'll see any of you but I'm just posting it up anyway...
Oh and I wasn't scheduled for work tomorrow but there was a schedule conflict with one of the girls and so I took her shift. Our manager tends to have us work during the days we asked off. It's not a big deal really because you just tell her when you see it and she'll fix it. So like, I actually have to sleep now... Goodnight <3
Oh and I wasn't scheduled for work tomorrow but there was a schedule conflict with one of the girls and so I took her shift. Our manager tends to have us work during the days we asked off. It's not a big deal really because you just tell her when you see it and she'll fix it. So like, I actually have to sleep now... Goodnight <3
Friday, January 9, 2009
Jaimee is actually... doing something school-related!
Ummm sooo today I didnt feel like going home early so I went to square one and met up with Eric and Mike... (Since Nerissa and Julie totally ditched me... I hate you guys >.<). And so everything was cool until a certain someone came and put tension in the air... for me at least. I just kept quiet and yeah... "Smile and pretend to not care..." Whatever. Some people are just jerks I guess? And past experiences can turn one into a BIGGER jerk.
So my goal is to get a picture of everyone in my phonebook so that they'll have a picture ID everytime they call/txt me... yaaay xD
Ummm sooo today I didnt feel like going home early so I went to square one and met up with Eric and Mike... (Since Nerissa and Julie totally ditched me... I hate you guys >.<). And so everything was cool until a certain someone came and put tension in the air... for me at least. I just kept quiet and yeah... "Smile and pretend to not care..." Whatever. Some people are just jerks I guess? And past experiences can turn one into a BIGGER jerk.
So my goal is to get a picture of everyone in my phonebook so that they'll have a picture ID everytime they call/txt me... yaaay xD
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Problem solved!
So I went to Telus and all the guy did was remove the battery and put it back.
... I didn't even know how to remove the back thing... And I didn't want to force it then break it y'know...
Haha.. so lesson learned; do not open MSN Messenger on it. :P
... I didn't even know how to remove the back thing... And I didn't want to force it then break it y'know...
Haha.. so lesson learned; do not open MSN Messenger on it. :P
My phone is frozen wtf.
Like everytime I open windows msgr, it freezes.
(Im going to Telus today by the way..)
So like I'm in tutorial at the moment...
and my teacher is weird.
She's nice and all.. but hardly understandable......
Like everytime I open windows msgr, it freezes.
(Im going to Telus today by the way..)
So like I'm in tutorial at the moment...
and my teacher is weird.
She's nice and all.. but hardly understandable......
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
new dilemma
I need a haircut ASAP!
Here are ideas:

I love Lauren's hair here! Yes??

Most probably not this one just because it`s too short. But maybe the big change is good... I dont know haha...

Lol this kinda looks like my hair before... if I don`t feel like cutting it too differently, I`ll go with this one. =]
Here are ideas:

I love Lauren's hair here! Yes??

Most probably not this one just because it`s too short. But maybe the big change is good... I dont know haha...

Lol this kinda looks like my hair before... if I don`t feel like cutting it too differently, I`ll go with this one. =]
greatest way to start the school year...
is to NOT go to school. I have a reason k... It's snowing like UBER much. As in my debut day snow... yeah THAT much I know. So I'm not planning to get stranded in school. Buses are impossible at this kind of weather. So... yeah that is my reason :P.
Wheee I am gonna go see who I can bug on my phone now heehee. xD
Wheee I am gonna go see who I can bug on my phone now heehee. xD
and the winner is...

For info on it go here.
Yaaay I love it. I finally finished transferring numbers from my old phone to this one... let me tell you it is a PAIN IN THE ASS. But it's done and yayyyyyyy me! =D Have i mentioned that I love it? It has like a GPS (like I drive.. but hey there will come a time it will be VERY handy.. such as going to Vivien's house which is across from me... ynever know... xD), Telus TV, radio, bluetooth, touchscreen, QWERTY keyboard... probably a lot more that I don't know of yet.
Oh and so this is the first thing I got with my Visa. And yes I just got it last night... Credit cards are dangerous... :| I got a pink silicone case too... eek!

Well yay for tomorrow. I got visual culture lecture from 12-1... then my next class is psych lecture 6-8pm... what to do from 1-6... I have no idea. Call random people with my new phone? or text? I think so :P
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
back to...
Wooow I'm in the same spot, same room, same prof.
But hopefully this time, I have better focus, less distraction, and yeah...
HAHA. You guys seriously need to help me with that... :(
Wooow I'm in the same spot, same room, same prof.
But hopefully this time, I have better focus, less distraction, and yeah...
HAHA. You guys seriously need to help me with that... :(
Monday, January 5, 2009
what do u know...
Sagittarius: You doubted someone, but they were totally right. Next time you will listen up!
My horoscope is SO right. And it's not just someone, it's more like, EVERYONE. Wow I am very stubborn... Well now I have learned my lesson (I hope). Jaimee is SO over it. =]
My horoscope is SO right. And it's not just someone, it's more like, EVERYONE. Wow I am very stubborn... Well now I have learned my lesson (I hope). Jaimee is SO over it. =]
My Year so far...
Since I haven't really been home, I haven't really wrote a post on much. On top of that, when I got home on Saturday and Sunday, the internet was connected but would not work...
I had work 2:30-9:30. It was kinda boring but at least I was getting paid for being bored! Then, the twins' new year basement party! Cid was djing and bartending, belle was supposed to bartend but I think she was to busy with... hehe :P. As always, I somehow drank more than everybody. I took a shot of skyy and it upset my stomach, I threw it up. Then, I fell asleep. I told everyone to make sure I don't fall asleep but nooooo! I hate falling asleep because I miss out on a lot of things. :( I eventually woke up though, and I woke up mad. Pshh. It was 7 in the morning and I was still up, I could not stop talking and I don't even remember what I was saying but it was funny. Cid was beside me on the bed and I thought he was sleeping but I could feel him laughing. Mattie suggested a walk outside and so me, mattie, tine, and andrew went for a walk, a very short walk. Like we walked from the house to the stop sign then walked back haha. I loved that night because it was a reunion before school screws us all over again. Some people left early because of work but we didn't get out until about 1. Thank God I did not have work that day, I switched with someone. I wouldn't have been able to go to work. I was way too hungover.
Cid kept saying he had to go to my house to do something and he wouldn't tell me what. But we had to stay at his house for a bit because he had to pray the rosary because the Mama Mary statues were leaving that day. I really don't mind. I haven't prayed in a while, and I feel bad. His family's really nice. Chester kept singing the same karaoke songs and his score was always 98 or 97. Sooo cute ^^. Cid started to DJ again and Chester was dancing. I had no energy so I was just sitting the whole time. Then it was time to go and Cid took some food ingredients and his knife, then I started to have a hint of what his Christmas present was. It became clearer to me when we went to T&T Supermarket. He's cooking me dinner as my Christmas present. Very very sweet of him. This time, he didn't have to shake me haha (inside joke.) I had no clue what he was cooking me. And the whole time I felt very useless because I am never useful in the kitchen. I'm more of a annoyance hehe. I sliced cantalope though! =D He made Bibimbap, it was very good. I like his cooking. He's probably the only guy I know that will cook for me. We played Super Smash Melee after. The score at the moment is 1-1. He says he KNOWS he's going to beat me, I will prove him wrong. *very determined face* =] He tried to stay as late as he could to keep me company because I was still home alone. But he had to go meet up with his other friends he hasn't seen in a while. When he left, I was out like a light on my bed. I can't believe I slept at 11pm. I usually sleep 2-5am.
I worked 10-6 so pretty much the whole day or at least the whole time Square one was open. A bit more actually because sq1 is open 12-6. Wheee... realy nothing happened this day except my family came back home. (Fuuun). of course the first thing my mom does is yell at me for doing nothing. Hello? I was not home at all. Friggg... buzz off. :(
I had work 2:30-9:30. It was kinda boring but at least I was getting paid for being bored! Then, the twins' new year basement party! Cid was djing and bartending, belle was supposed to bartend but I think she was to busy with... hehe :P. As always, I somehow drank more than everybody. I took a shot of skyy and it upset my stomach, I threw it up. Then, I fell asleep. I told everyone to make sure I don't fall asleep but nooooo! I hate falling asleep because I miss out on a lot of things. :( I eventually woke up though, and I woke up mad. Pshh. It was 7 in the morning and I was still up, I could not stop talking and I don't even remember what I was saying but it was funny. Cid was beside me on the bed and I thought he was sleeping but I could feel him laughing. Mattie suggested a walk outside and so me, mattie, tine, and andrew went for a walk, a very short walk. Like we walked from the house to the stop sign then walked back haha. I loved that night because it was a reunion before school screws us all over again. Some people left early because of work but we didn't get out until about 1. Thank God I did not have work that day, I switched with someone. I wouldn't have been able to go to work. I was way too hungover.
Cid kept saying he had to go to my house to do something and he wouldn't tell me what. But we had to stay at his house for a bit because he had to pray the rosary because the Mama Mary statues were leaving that day. I really don't mind. I haven't prayed in a while, and I feel bad. His family's really nice. Chester kept singing the same karaoke songs and his score was always 98 or 97. Sooo cute ^^. Cid started to DJ again and Chester was dancing. I had no energy so I was just sitting the whole time. Then it was time to go and Cid took some food ingredients and his knife, then I started to have a hint of what his Christmas present was. It became clearer to me when we went to T&T Supermarket. He's cooking me dinner as my Christmas present. Very very sweet of him. This time, he didn't have to shake me haha (inside joke.) I had no clue what he was cooking me. And the whole time I felt very useless because I am never useful in the kitchen. I'm more of a annoyance hehe. I sliced cantalope though! =D He made Bibimbap, it was very good. I like his cooking. He's probably the only guy I know that will cook for me. We played Super Smash Melee after. The score at the moment is 1-1. He says he KNOWS he's going to beat me, I will prove him wrong. *very determined face* =] He tried to stay as late as he could to keep me company because I was still home alone. But he had to go meet up with his other friends he hasn't seen in a while. When he left, I was out like a light on my bed. I can't believe I slept at 11pm. I usually sleep 2-5am.
I worked 10-6 so pretty much the whole day or at least the whole time Square one was open. A bit more actually because sq1 is open 12-6. Wheee... realy nothing happened this day except my family came back home. (Fuuun). of course the first thing my mom does is yell at me for doing nothing. Hello? I was not home at all. Friggg... buzz off. :(
Sunday, January 4, 2009
year 09
please be nice to me... Is it possible to hate and love something at the same time? Well I do; 2008 was a bitch at some point but overall, I met awesome people that has forever changed my life, and hopefully continue to do so. The cause for these meetups is most probably the debuts I attended/became a part of. From the twins' to Jaesel's cotillion to Chantelle's... and of course mine. And I can't think of what my New Year's resolution will be... yet. It's usually always the same "study harder" , "lose some weight", "be the best at everything"... All these are just ways to stress myself out even more. Maybe this year, I should focus on my happiness. Do something that will make myself happy? Why is it that to be happy, we always have to re-shape ourselves? When can we ever be fully happy about ourselves... *sigh*
Haha, I'm always single on New Year's... what is up with that? Hehe I still feel bad for breaking a guy's heart last year, but it was just not healthy for me. I just had to do it... And I'm the one empty-handed in the end as always... I wonder if year oh nine is gonna be different. Hopefully... But I just gotta let things happen. Not that I'm just gonna sit on my ass waiting, but I am not gonna force anything. I would not feel right or real. Ahh lameee why am I blogging about my loneliness? I sound pathetic hahaha....
Another one of Jaimee's list: (if you havent noticed, I list things to make me feel like I've achieved something... hehe)
Haha, I'm always single on New Year's... what is up with that? Hehe I still feel bad for breaking a guy's heart last year, but it was just not healthy for me. I just had to do it... And I'm the one empty-handed in the end as always... I wonder if year oh nine is gonna be different. Hopefully... But I just gotta let things happen. Not that I'm just gonna sit on my ass waiting, but I am not gonna force anything. I would not feel right or real. Ahh lameee why am I blogging about my loneliness? I sound pathetic hahaha....
Another one of Jaimee's list: (if you havent noticed, I list things to make me feel like I've achieved something... hehe)
- Try harder at school.
- Go to work NOT lazy.
- Regain inspiration/passion.
- Pack food for school instead of spending $10 a day on food in campus.
- Stop shopping. (YEAH RIGHT)
- Sleep earlier so I don't wake up so late.
- Write more in this list... haha.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
... maybe not
lol i decided to just go to my tito's house to sleepover with my 10 year old cousin.. fun... better than being alone lol. i wont even be home until saturday i think. because im going to work the next day, and maybe drop off my stuff at the twins' house before work... ahh i cant wait!
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