Me and my mom recently found out that there is a restaurant similar to Korean Grill. KG is wayyy too far so we're glad we found out about it through dearest Vivien. hehe. So we left after 730 and we got home at about after 10. Yes, that's how long we took to eat there.. It's all you can eat and of course we got our money's worth! I kinda got lazy after though to eat... I want more now -.-
School was okay today. Embarassing moment of the day: "What are the main activities in the bed room?"... Why did the room have to be extremely silent the only time I actually say something? It was not meant for the class to hear hahaha. Also, the "items used/consumed"... it's just right there, I couldnt help it... Oh dear me... After that 10-11 tutorial, Christine and I finally had our WAY OVERDUE 'birthday date'. We went to Square one for our 11-3 break and ate at Moxie's... only to find out that there is a sidewalk sale going on... I am never gonna save money am i? And Christine is not the best person to have in the mall with when you wanna not buy something LOL. So I bought two sunglasses at Aldo $12 each. They accept SPC but only on purchases over 30 bucks.. dude my total with tax was about 27.. why not let it go?! Bitch. :( Also I got a sundress (perfect for summer to wear on top of swimsuit), a brown tshirt with blue guitars all over it, and a REALLY cute grey polo with pink and white on it for 10 BUCKS. At least it was on sale?...
And since we are very smart people, we took pictures on the bus BACK to utm... and not during our lunch... hahaha. We are too cool man with out bubble teas at this time of the year =] Also, I shouldnt have deleted that picture with her mouth open... it wouldve been perfect for blackmailing purposes!! *evil grin*

Note: These are the two sunglasses I got... Most of mine are ugly/broken so I got one. Plus I've been wanting aviator glasses in forever and then the pink was there I HAD to get it too.
PS. I dare YOU to move...
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