It's 2:04AM and I have to wake up at 10:00 but ahhh I really am insomniatic. I'm hungry yet I am not willing to go downstairs because of a few reason, and for those who know, DONT LAUGH. I realize I haven't really written much so I shall do that now.
- I lost my bus pass that's from UTM and I had to pay 40 FREAKING bucks for a new one.. WTF. Like I know it's still much cheaper than the regular passes/tickets, but grrr @ me for losing it. I SWEAR I had it on my hand then it was gone! *poof* That card was also fading because I dropped it in the public washroom once then washed it. Bad idea because the shiny thing on it wasn't shiny anymore, and it faded, so some bus drivers think it's a fraud and I'm like NOOO it's not I swear!! Then I tell them my washroom story and they're like okay... HAHA.
- Mike told me to write about how I should get a car (aka G1 [which i call license]). But really, I don't need a car right now because the destinations I go to can be travelled by bus. And by taking the bus, I'm saving the environment. PLUS it's FREE for me until end of April. Well not really FREE FREE since it was $89 included in my tuition for Sept-Apr. Still...
- I am very picky with customers and I really shouldn't be. But I hate being such a good judge of character because the customers that I KNOW are rude, are rude, and they will bitch at you like no tomorrow. Then there are the nice ones that I LOVE to help and actually make working not so bad.
- I'm still looking for those t-shirts...
- I need a new bathing suit.
- And restock my "fetish." LOL seriously!
- Start studying for exams :|
So that's it for now...
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