yet I had money to purchase 4 books from Coles xD
My credit card is mocking me I swear -.-
For those who wanted to know which books, I got Stargirl and Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. Also Wicked and Lovely Bones. It was Buy 3 get 4th free. Lol I could've borrowed it from the library but I am too lazy for that!
LMFAO! You actually didnt even need to buy Wicked....there was a copy on sale at Jaesel's garage sale on Saturday...they were selling it for 50 cents!!! hahaha...i think Jim finished the book and didnt want it anymore...if i were you i would refund that book and ask Jaesel for her copy...LOL!
ps. It's in great condition...I know..i saw it haha
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