Friday, December 18, 2009

my birthday!

  • I got a midnight surprise from Mike, Belle, Chelle, Kristine, and Jordan. They came to my house exactly at midnight with 2 cheesecakes with 1 and a 9 with sparklers. They are so awesome like that and clearly they love me. :D (hehe I love myself too much... LOL jks :P) They stayed til 3ish and we pretty much just chilled the whole time. We came to the point where people were falling asleep so that's why they had to leave. But I'm very grateful for what they did. :)
  • You should all know that I am like an owl. I do not sleep until 4-5am... seriously. So I don't usually wake up til 130-200pm. And apparently Rheena have been trying to get a hold of me to find out where I live. Good thing she got Jaesel after how many tries with me (sleeping), mike (working), and nerissa (was an exam at that time). Vivien helped her so they both came over. I JUST woke up when I opened the door so I looked like a very hot mess. ;) hehe... Rheena stayed for half an hour. Mike actually came over after his work at Arby's and had to leave a bit after because he had work at Sears. :( Vivien chilled at my house til about 6ish. We just talked about random stuff. There came a point where we fell asleep because of Jasmine's show LOL.
  • Imperial Buffet with family.
  • Overall, a good birthday. I just wish Mike was with me more but that's okay.
  • TOMORROW = THE BOMB. We are gonna party til we drop (literally). Hopefully, they don't get me TOO wasted. (Yeah okay...) WHOO HOO!


sissa said...


Vivien Cheng said...

i actually fell sound asleep from watching "Wonder Pets" omg that was torture....until Jasmine woke both of us us with her beautiful singing LOL!


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