Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I don't remember if blogged about this yet but I probably did. Anyway, me and Mike got confirmed in the same church and day. We did not know each other at all. But it's funny how we've met before and now we're together. :)

Can you see us???

He was right behind me! hahaha.

Thanks mom for doing my makeup. Lol... she's lighter than me and she used her foundation on me. I was so super noob back then and she is still a noob to this day. xD

So original on the saint name he picked eh? NOT. Aren't you supposed to find one that's NOT your name. Anyway, all I can say is: POSER POSER POSER!

Jaesel and his cousin Jordan were there too. Jaesel is the one to introduce me and Mike through her cotillion for her debut that I was a part in. Funny coincidences? I think destiny. ♥


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