Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I'm exhausted...
ps. 12 days til school!!!
pps. that reminds me... i need to start shopping for school stuff (aka clothes cuz i used to wear uniform for high school. and now... i have freedom ha! =D... uhh i mean school supplies *shifty eyes*)
Monday, August 25, 2008
live out loud!
Hmm so what did I do in my vacation week? Nothing so different from what I've been doing this whole summer: babysit and work. At least I got to go to Buffalo, NY and Hamilton for a bit. Pretty much the most boring summer ever. And it's almost over. I've wasted an entire summer on absolute nothingness... woohoo! *rolls eyes* Well 14 days until school starts! I'm really excited!!! :)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

PS. I really need to stop wasting my money on useless crap!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Sooo today I went to Boston Pizza with a couple of close friends for our friend Julie's birthday.

I haven't really hung out with my girls for so long. And I've really missed it. When I'm with them, I can be myself and we can pretty much talk about anything from boys to sneezes. Geez, I don't know what I would do without my friends. They're pretty much my spine because they hold me up.
And by the way, the server we got looked SO much like Heidi from the Hills but brunette. She wasn't very smart either... and really served us badly. She was nice though but when customers arrive, napkins and utensils should be one of the first things you give out. I'm not a server and I know this wtf? She better not be getting paid more than me because grrrr!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Because I can...
So about the whole milk thing, my friend Damon brought it up because I couldn't sleep and he told me to drink milk and he asks why we drink it. Humans are the only creatures that drink milk from another specie. Every other animal only drinks from its mother. So why do we suck a cow dry of its milk? Well my answer was because it's kind of looked down upon to be drinking your mother's milk as an adult, if your mother even has any milk left. :/ Also we need it for calcium, which we can actually get from a pill though right? And that topic somehow got into people eating people or animal brains and what not. It kinda relates with the whole milk is actually body liquid.. brains being body part? Haha i don't know! But I guess the answer to why we kill animals for food is simply because we can...
So if you don't know Harry Potter at all, you might as well skip this whole paragraph mmk? I'm actually undecided on which is a better way to die. If it was crucio, you'll be in exruciating pain for a really long time. But you still have a chance to fight it. And well if you don't die from that pain, when the curse is lifted off, there's a very high chance that you are going to be insane. With avada kedavra, it's one curse and you're done for. Just like that, so no pain. Who wants a painful death anyway right?
Reasons why Edward Cullen is mine:
- Bella can not win in a fight with these guns of mine.
- He's 17, I'm 17. Bella sorry hun but older women dating younger guys? (yes i know he's not really 17 but i dont give a flying fart!)
- Who's saying he's not huh?!?!

- The world does not need two clutzes that can blow up the world if ever put near an atomic bomb trigger.
- Hearing me talk is enough. Hearing two of me argue... uhh good luck with that buddy.
- WW3 will start. And it started because neither one of us will give up Daniel Radcliffe to the other.
So... this is totally pointless.

Ps. Like Rheena, I BADLY need a haircut. Well I need it more than her. It is toooooo long blah! x.x
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I have nothing to write at this moment.
I'll rant about some other random thing some other random time! :)
Monday, August 11, 2008
just another ordinary day...

So whatever happened to bloggers? It seems they have all disappeared when I started blogging again. What the efffff? :( I'm tres tres sad and lonely. But I guess it's good in a way because this really becomes very private. Nobody ever reads it so I guess it's okay...
I can't believe summer's almost over. Another school year, this time harder. Greaaat. I'm looking forward to the challenge though. Also, the new people I'm going to meet (and the deers HAHA!). Yeah, so my brother told me that since UTM is pretty much a forest, that you will see deers randomly there. And that once, a man was attacked by one and saved by a friend of his that's a GIRL! Hahaha! Awesome right? :)
Countdown to start of school: 28 days from today.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Hmm... work?

So I've been working at this department store called Sears. I'm actually in the kidswear department so I work with kids and expecting parents. Well I haven't been at work since last Friday and when I came back yesterday (well since it's already Aug 9 right now), I found the whole place a mess. So they've decided that it's time to move around the sections... again. As if the place wasn't such a mess already! The whole move I think is pointless and a waste of money. It's not my money so whatever. But I just hate how we, the floor associates, are the ones blamed for the whole mess. When one, it is so not our idea. And two, we are actually the ones cleaning up the place! It is us who gets all the yelling from customers and personally, if I walked in there right now as a customer and I see what a freaking mess the place is, I'd just leave and never shop there again.
Also, I called in sick on Saturday because I couldn't come to work, I wasn't really sick; and my manager knew that. I am not looking forward to seeing her again but what can I do? Luckily though, I am not scheduled the same time she's working so I'm gonna try my best to avoid her ha! I tried to book the day off but since she put it in the wrong month's request, I didn't get it. Well that's life what else could I have done right?
Ahhh oh well I really should be sleeping now because I have work again tomorrow. Greaaaaaaaaaat.

Friday, August 8, 2008
Let's start blogging again!
- I've learned that only the truest of friends will be there at the hardest of times.
- Working in fast food gives you wrinkles.
- Working in retail is not as easy as it looks.
- Having a baby sister at the age of 16 is truly a blessing.
- People are so judgmental. Just cuz I'm carrying a baby, doesn't mean she's mine.
- Chemistry is so not for me.
- Physics is actually easier than Chemistry!
- Philosophy screws over your head. It's a good thing though knowing that you still have your own opinions on life.
- Prom makes you broke.
- Having a prom date is unnecessary. You can go to prom without one and still have the greatest time of your life.
- Graduation gets people so damn jealous at the smart kids. It's not their fault you never tried in school buddy!
- Having your own laptop changes your bedtime to 3 am.
- Photoshop may be the greatest invention of time.
- Facebook is addicting.
- Myspace... say what?
- Do not put a queen size bed in the smallest room of the house.
- Do not drink with an empty stomach.
- Debuts are typical and the only thing that everyone waits for is the after party.
- Expect a prank from the troublemakers of the school. A tree in the middle of the soccer field ftw!
- White dresses are so damn hard to find!
- Harry Potter was not given justice in 7 books.
- Twilight is close to a replacement for HP, but HP is still forever the greatest series ever created.
- I really need to get my G1.
- University tuitions are wayyyyyyyyyy overpriced.
- University life? I'll get back to you on that :)
That's pretty much what's happened lately. Nothing big I don't think.