- I've learned that only the truest of friends will be there at the hardest of times.
- Working in fast food gives you wrinkles.
- Working in retail is not as easy as it looks.
- Having a baby sister at the age of 16 is truly a blessing.
- People are so judgmental. Just cuz I'm carrying a baby, doesn't mean she's mine.
- Chemistry is so not for me.
- Physics is actually easier than Chemistry!
- Philosophy screws over your head. It's a good thing though knowing that you still have your own opinions on life.
- Prom makes you broke.
- Having a prom date is unnecessary. You can go to prom without one and still have the greatest time of your life.
- Graduation gets people so damn jealous at the smart kids. It's not their fault you never tried in school buddy!
- Having your own laptop changes your bedtime to 3 am.
- Photoshop may be the greatest invention of time.
- Facebook is addicting.
- Myspace... say what?
- Do not put a queen size bed in the smallest room of the house.
- Do not drink with an empty stomach.
- Debuts are typical and the only thing that everyone waits for is the after party.
- Expect a prank from the troublemakers of the school. A tree in the middle of the soccer field ftw!
- White dresses are so damn hard to find!
- Harry Potter was not given justice in 7 books.
- Twilight is close to a replacement for HP, but HP is still forever the greatest series ever created.
- I really need to get my G1.
- University tuitions are wayyyyyyyyyy overpriced.
- University life? I'll get back to you on that :)
That's pretty much what's happened lately. Nothing big I don't think.

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