So I've been working at this department store called Sears. I'm actually in the kidswear department so I work with kids and expecting parents. Well I haven't been at work since last Friday and when I came back yesterday (well since it's already Aug 9 right now), I found the whole place a mess. So they've decided that it's time to move around the sections... again. As if the place wasn't such a mess already! The whole move I think is pointless and a waste of money. It's not my money so whatever. But I just hate how we, the floor associates, are the ones blamed for the whole mess. When one, it is so not our idea. And two, we are actually the ones cleaning up the place! It is us who gets all the yelling from customers and personally, if I walked in there right now as a customer and I see what a freaking mess the place is, I'd just leave and never shop there again.
Also, I called in sick on Saturday because I couldn't come to work, I wasn't really sick; and my manager knew that. I am not looking forward to seeing her again but what can I do? Luckily though, I am not scheduled the same time she's working so I'm gonna try my best to avoid her ha! I tried to book the day off but since she put it in the wrong month's request, I didn't get it. Well that's life what else could I have done right?
Ahhh oh well I really should be sleeping now because I have work again tomorrow. Greaaaaaaaaaat.

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