And I'm on prepaid from Virgin Mobile. They're really good actually, but I want a plan and a new phone because the one I have is like a brick haha. It has lasted a lot of drops though so I'm telling you now that Nokias last probably forever. My mom had one of the first ones ever out, and it still works if you put a sim card in it. It's just HUGE though.
But here are the ones I want:
The Samsung Instinct. Apparently, it is exactly like the iPhone, or even better.
This one is the LG Voyager. It has both the features I want: touch screen, and QWERTY side keyboard.
The LG Dare. (Names for phones sound sexy now haha). This one's just a touch screen but I can probably settle with it...
The Keybo sounds and looks more like me. Cute and weird. Hehe. ^^ It has the side QWERTY keyboard which I really like, and Koodo has some really good plans... so yeah..
Someone PLEASE help me decide! Eeek!!!
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