For some odd reason, every year that I've been in Canada (so like 6 years now), it rains UBER heavy the day I celebrate my birthday. It's a piss off alright but what can I do but to look at it optimistically. I just think... hmm maybe God loves me so much, he shows it with snow... LOTS of snow. :) Yeah mon but most of my friends got used to it, and they can't really use the excuse of not making it because of the bad weather because well, my lovely bff Rheena lives in Milton and hell she made it why the heck couldn't you?! But there still were people who could not make it... meh whatever.

So like here was my itirenary for the day:
- Get makeup done by Alyssa's cousin at 1030.
- Hair appointment at 1 at Donato's.
- Twins picked me up at around 2:30.
- Drive to Stage West to get our rooms finalized and have our booze cooled in the fridge.. I kinda had a bit of trouble in the beginning as always. I have a prepaid mastercard since I was still not 18, so like I had to load the card before I could use it. I swear I put enough money but nnoooo it was not enough. I had to use my own cash that was for the DJ and so Bella had to lend me money for the DJ. It all turned out okay in the end.
- Drive to Valleys. We were supposed to be there before 5 but because of the insane weather, we got there at 5:45... Talk about filipino time!
I planned to put on my dress in the place because there is no way I was getting my dress wet from walking from the car to inside!

So we get there and everything was pretty much ready. And the table arrangemtn was totally not how I wanted it because I undermeasured the tables. They were wayy bigger than what I thought but the number of people not coming kind of made up for it... I loved my cake and watermelon carving. Wheeeee! =D

For performances, I performed twice. One with Gerene on guitar (I bruise easily by Natasha bedingfield). And a solo (On the wings of love by Regine Velasquez). So like I forgot to mention that my solo was dedicated for my grandpas. Chantelle performed a contemporary dance choreographed by her to Umbrella by Marie Digby. Amazing let me tell you, I got a video but I haven't seen pictures of it D:. "Jaimee's mounties" also performed. Great performance let me tell you. I know how hard it is to get people together to practice, and Mike told me how exhausted you guys were that day, and yet you still performed so I'm very thankful. And I can't forget my 'surprise' by Tamara and Chelle. They HAD to do For Good from wicked huh... :P

So for my thank you speech, I was supposed to read off from this thing I typed out. I eventually gave up on reading from it because well I was nervous and also it was easier for me to just say it on top of my head. I shouldn't have done that because I ended up forgetting people like my caterer, DJ, emcee, Chantelle, Mike, Cj, and Bryan. So I'm just personally thanking them now ... like here... haha.

Lack of practice on the father and daughter dance... more like no practice at all. HAHA my dad tried to show off though but Im just like Dad what are you doing??? Very funny though.

Amazingly, all of the 18 guys and 18 girls I asked to be in my court made it, except for Jhoanna. And I asked Chantelle to be one of my candles last minute so she was the only one not wearing pink. It's okay though because Chantelle is awesome and deserved to be in it! Highlight of that part is Nikolai randomly dipping me. =) And my 18 candles' wishes were so nice, I love you guys.

Ohh David david david. My escort... Our dance was just so funny. Even though, it wasn't the greatest, you still tried because of me. Thank you! I could not have asked for a better escort.

We had this whole major photo session. I think Vivien started it but yeah... Haha.

I could not wait any longer for my presents so I opened most of them. Here's one that matches with my dress! xD

At first, I thought there were not enough cars to drive us to the afterparty. But we actually had enough! There were only a few pictures taken of the afterparty. But let's just say it was FUN. And I think I had one too many tequila shots, hpnotiq, vodka, and smirnoff ice. Let's keep it at that... :P
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