Friday, January 8, 2010

2 days late post

Belle and Chelle promised me a birthday date on Wednesday. We honestly had no clue what were gonna do until the moment we all got together. We went to go to Japan Buffet near UTM and yummm <3

(lol @ my really dry lips)

After sushi, we picked up Gerene at square one and went to their house to make crepe ("crap"). LOLL we were still kind of full so we didnt make that many. Besides the first one I made looked like crap. I ate it though loool shame! xD

(Cidcris' "fluor" lol... well we found it funny)
(Gerene eating her sushi... "Never order Chicken sushi")
(Us frying the crepes in her garage... FREEZING let me tell you)
(So this was the first one. Whatever it was good and edible :P)


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