Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Remeber those wedges

that I've been wanting to get? I found a similar one at Suzy Shier yesterday. I don't usually shop there but my coworker does and she told me that there was a 20% off everything in the store. So I went there during my break and I instantly headed to the shoe section lol. I saw them and rummaged through them to find my size. So the size 6 was all gone so I tried on the 7 and settled with them. Wedges are definitely more comortable than heels but these ones kinda hurt if I'm on my feet for too long (such as at work duhhh). It's probably because they're not exactly my size but I don't care because I love them. I shall take a picture of them soon but for now I really should sleep. I gotta wake up in 4 hours and hopefully I wake up on time this time. lol.


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